Use These 10 Simple Diet Strategies to Help Combat IBS

As more and more people begin to suffer with digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), it’s extremely important that the right steps are taken in order to help reverse the condition.  Unfortunately, medication is not a long term solution and does not attack the root cause of digestive issues. 

That being said, the only true way to fully combat a digestive disorders such as IBS is through proper diet.  This means following a gut healing and IBS friendly diet.  In combination with good diet, there simple strategies that can be incorporated into the diet in order to help speed up the recovery process.

There is absolutely no need for you to suffer endlessly with this digestive disorder.  In fact, thousands have reversed their IBS using similar strategies to the ones listed below.  However, without a proper change in diet, these positive changes in IBS conditions can not occur.

10 Simple Diet Strategies to Help Combat IBS

1. Avoid Process Foods

Avoiding all forms of processed foods is an absolute must for anyone dealing with digestive issues such as IBS.  This is because all processed foods contain an abundance of synthetic ingredients that can cause poor gut health.  In particular, dietary emulsifiers have been shown to cause significant amounts of intestinal inflammation and can make the body more prone to developing metabolic disorders such as diabetes (1).

As a result, if it doesn’t grow naturally in nature, you shouldn’t be eating it.  Those with digestive disorders need to focus on consuming whole foods that are both gut healing and IBS friendly.  Again, for full details on a proper IBS diet, please refer to our Diet Protocol Page.

2. Cut Out Sugar

If you’re suffering from IBS and eating sugar on the regular it’s extremely important that you stop this habit immediately.  Many suffering from digestive disorders such as IBS often times are also suffering with a fugal overgrowth such as candida in the gut (2).  This is problematic because candida can cause high amounts of intestinal inflammation and can make an IBS condition much worse.

It should be mentioned that candida operates on a sugar metabolism.  This means that it uses sugars coming from the diet in order to survive and reproduce.  If you must have sugar, we highly recommend you try a raw local honey.  Despite being a sugar, research has shown that raw honey can help inhibit the growth of several different candida species due to its powerful anti-fungal properties (3).

3. Consume Quality Bone Broth

Ensuring that you are consuming a high quality bone broth is essential for healthy repair of the gut and to naturally reduce intestinal inflammation.  Bone broth has the unique ability to help seal the digestive lining and make the intestines less permeable, or in other words, “less leaky.”  Many with IBS often times have their mucosal lining completely destroyed.

This mucosal lining helps protect the intestines from inflammatory foods and helps to prevent intestinal inflammation.  Drinking bone broth daily can help restore the mucosal lining of the intestines.  Also, due to its ability to naturally attract gastric juices, bone broth can help in the facilitation of digestion tremendously.

4. Avoid Fibrous Plant Foods

 Although it may sound counter-intuitive for good health, avoiding fiber rich plant foods can be extremely beneficial for those with high amounts of intestinal inflammation and IBS.  This is because all plants foods contain anti-nutrients which can lead to high amounts of intestinal inflammation and make an IBS condition much worse.  In fact, many plant foods, if consumed in excess, can strip away at the mucosal lining of the intestines.

Interestingly, research has reported significant improvements in IBS patients who are put on a low carbohydrate diet and given adequate amounts of protein (4).  This is isn’t to say that plant foods are bad, but those under digestive distress can benefit from removing them from the diet until proper healing has taken place.

5. Eat High Quality Animal Foods

Those suffering from IBS need to focus on consuming high quality organic animal foods.  This is because animal foods contain all the nutrients required in order to initiate bodily repair and maintain optimal health in the body.  Animal foods also do no contain anti-nutrients and will not irritate the intestines like plant foods.

Also, the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids which are found in animal foods are extremely bioavailable to the body.  This is because the nutrients found in animal foods are not bound to cellulose such as that found in plant foods.  Luckily, our Intestinal Health Cookbook contains over 20 different mouthwatering recipes which incorporates high quality animal foods and can be great for improving the health of the gut.

6. Avoid Raw Foods

Avoiding raw foods comes directly from the teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  TCM believed that raw foods were damaging to the spleen and can weaken digestive fire over time.  Unfortunately, once the digestive fire as become dampened, it can be extremely hard to reverse.

This means healthy foods such as “salads” are best avoided for those with a weakened digestive system.  Instead, an emphasis should be put on easy to digest foods such as broths and stews.  Also, it may be best to avoid consuming any form of raw vegetables.  Raw vegetables contain extremely high amounts of anti-nutrients can cause negative digestive issues in those with IBS.

7. Try Fermented Foods

Fermented foods can be great for anyone dealing with poor digestive health due to IBS.  This is because fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, and pickles contain probiotics which can help repopulate the gut.  Those with IBS typically have an imbalance between the amount of good bacteria to bad bacteria.

Consuming fermented foods daily can help build up the good bacteria in the gut and can help re-balance the stomach.  With that said, it’s important to go slow with fermented foods when first adding them into the diet.  Start with just a teaspoon a day and slowly work your way up to levels in which you feel comfortable.

8. Avoid Modern Fruit

Those suffering with digestive disorders such as IBS will want to avoid most modern fruit.  Almost all modern fruit has been hybridized and contains way more sugar (fructose) than the original fruit.  In fact, almost all wild fruits contain extremely low amounts of sugar, contain seeds, and only occur one time out of the year.

Again, sugar can a have a negative impact in those with IBS due to the likelihood of most IBS patients having fungal overgrowth’s in the gut such as candida.  As a result, it would be best that you consume fruits that are locally grown and only in season.  Almost all forms of berries are still excellent options and have not been extensively hybridized like almost all other store bought fruits.

9. Eat More Coconut Oil

Eating more extra virgin coconut oil can be great for those with poor digestion due to IBS.  This is because coconut oil has naturally soothing qualities which can help reduce intestinal inflammation and calm the digestive system.  Also, coconut oil contains powerful anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties mainly due to its high amounts of lauric acid.

Research has shown that coconut oil can help significantly inhibit the growth of candida making it a viable anti-fungal treatment (5).  For best result, use coconut oil in all of your IBS friendly meals.  Also, for those not bothered by the taste, coconut oil can be eaten right out of the jar!

10. Use Medicinal Mushrooms

Medicinal mushrooms such as Reishi and Chaga can be great for those with IBS.  This is because both mushrooms can help balance the immune system and can restore equilibrium to the body.  It should be mentioned that many with IBS often suffer from autoimmune conditions as well.  As a result, immune modulating medicinal mushrooms such as Reishi and Chaga can be great.

Also, both mushrooms have been shown to contain anti-fungal properties.  In fact, it has been shown that Reishi can inhibit the formation of candida biofilms in the body (6).  Furthermore, both mushrooms are a great source of the long chain sugars called polysaccharides which are extremely beneficial for the body’s immune system and can be great for those with digestive disorders.  

For best results, it’s best to consume these medicinal mushrooms in tea form or in a high quality organic extract.