The Best Natural Remedies for IBS and Gut Health

When it comes to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), there are various natural remedies that can be taken in order to help alleviate the condition.  That being said, in order to truly combat this condition effectively, a proper gut healing diet must be put into place.  This means following a diet that is extremely low in inflammatory foods and high in gut healing and protective foods.

Luckily, we’ve covered the best diet to follow for those with conditions such as IBS.  In fact, all of this information can be accessed on our Diet Protocol Page.  Also, to learn the true cause of IBS and why you most likely are suffering from this condition, please refer to our Homepage.

With that all said, in combination with a gut friendly diet, the foods and herbs listed below can be great for reducing intestinal inflammation and combating digestive disorders such as IBS.  It should be mentioned that these herbs have been used for thousands of years and have a long track record of being both safe and effective. 

Also, it’s highly recommended that these foods and herbs are introduced into the diet one at a time.  This will allow you to properly gauge how the particular herb or food affects you.

The Top 5 Best Natural Remedies IBS

1. Reishi Mushroom

Reishi mushroom is one of our all time favorite herbs when it comes to combating digestive disorders.  In fact, this mushroom has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries in order to promote longevity and optimal health in the body.  Reishi is extremely unique in that it contains high amounts of immune boosting long chain sugars in the form of polysaccharides.

Most with conditions such as IBS often times suffer from an imbalanced immune system due to poor gut health.  For those unaware, gut health plays an extremely important role in the health and integrity of our immune system and can play a role in autoimmune conditions (1).  That being said, research has shown that diets high in polysaccharides can help boost the immune system and can be beneficial for immune system dysregulation (2).

It’s for this reason that reishi is often referred to as an “immune modulating” medicinal mushroom.  It can bring equilibrium to an immune system that is either operating too high, or too low.  Furthermore, reishi has powerful anti-candida properties and can help stop the formation of candida biofilms (3).  For those unaware, candida is a pathogenic fungal overgrowth that is extremely common in those with conditions such as IBS.

2. Slippery Elm

Slippery elm is a great herb for those suffering from digestive disorders such as IBS.  This is because slippery elm can help lubricate the digestive tract and can help make bowel movements more regular.  In fact, research has shown that those who supplement with slippery elm experience an increase in bowel movements and a reduction in straining (4).

Those dealing with IBS typically suffer from uncomfortable chronic constipation that can effect overall quality of life.  Luckily, slippery elm can be a great addition to the diet and can help relieve constipation in those suffering.

Also, it should be mentioned that slippery elm is naturally soothing to the intestines.  As a result, it can be great for reducing intestinal inflammation which is extremely common in those with IBS.  In fact, one of the primary causes of IBS is chronic intestinal inflammation.  Reducing intestinal inflammation should always be the number one priority in those suffering with digestive conditions such as IBS.

3. Chaga Mushroom

Like reishi, chaga mushroom is a powerful medicinal mushroom that can be great for those with digestive conditions.  Also, just like reishi, chaga is an excellent source of powerful polysaccharides which can help boost and modulate the immune system.

However, chaga is extremely unique due to its ability to significantly improve digestive disorders such as IBS.  Research shows that chaga mushroom extract can protect DNA against the oxidative damage in the white blood cells in those with conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (5).  Typically, those with a weak immune system due to IBS are more prone to the damages oxidative stress can have on the body.

With that all said, chaga has a long history in Russia as being used as a powerful adaptogen.  In fact, ancient Serbians of Russia used chaga frequently as both food and medicine.  These ancient Serbians gave chaga credit for giving them strength into old age and a life free from disease and sickness.  Chaga is without a doubt one of the most powerful and beneficial medicinal mushrooms in the entire world.

4. Turmeric

Turmeric is an ancient Indian spice that has been used extensively in both Indian cooking and Ayurveda.  This spice is notorious for correcting digestive disorders and bringing balance to the digestive system.  In fact, this herb is frequently recommend by Ayurveda for those with weak digestion and various digestive disorders.

Interestingly, researchers testing the effects of turmeric supplementation in those with IBS found that symptoms decreased significantly in IBS patients who took a turmeric extract for 8 weeks (6).  That said, turmeric can be great for both flavoring meals and reducing symptoms related to IBS.

On an unrelated note, turmeric seems to have powerful anti-depressant properties.  In fact, research has shown that turmeric supplementation in patients suffering with depression can significantly improve symptoms (7).  This is relevant for those with IBS because most suffering with digestive disorders often suffer from poor mental health as well.

In fact, it has been long established that both the gut and the brain are interconnected and are constantly communicating feedback to one another (8).

5. Fennel Seed

Fennel seed is great for both combating digestive disorders such as IBS and improving overall digestive power.  It’s beneficial effect on IBS stems from its ability to act as natural anti-inflammatory.  As mentioned before, intestinal inflammation is highly linked to conditions such as IBS.  As a result, when this intestinal inflammation is reduced, symptoms related to IBS tend to dissipate.

Research has shown that fennel, in combination with curcumin (compound occurring naturally in turmeric), can help improve symptoms and overall quality of life in patients with persistent Irritable Bowel Syndrome (9).

Furthermore, fennel is naturally bitter which can be great for increasing the power of the digestive system.  This is because bitter foods stimulate the vagus nerve on the back of the tongue which signals to brain and gut to produce more stomach acid.  This increase in stomach acid can help increase the body’s ability to break down food, and can help naturally neutralize pathogenic bacteria, yeast, and fungus such as candida.

In fact, those suffering with conditions such as bloating and acid reflux is a clear indication that the body is not producing enough stomach acid.  To be clear, the stomach should have a PH around 1.5 and 2.0 for optimal health.  Serious health problems can arise when the stomach becomes to alkaline.

Other Strategies for Improving IBS

Try Our Intestinal Health Cook Book

As well as trying the herbs listed above, our Intestinal Health Cookbook can be great for those suffering with digestive conditions such as IBS.  In fact, we’ve included over 20 different gut healing recipes that can naturally help combat intestinal inflammation.  We highly recommend our cookbook to those who want gut friendly recipes that both taste good and are good for you!

Cook Your Own Meals

If you suffer from IBS and you constantly find yourself eating out, you need to stop this behavior if you wish to fully heal.  Those who constantly eat out risk consuming hidden ingredients that can make IBS symptoms worse and delay the healing process.  By cooking all your meals at home, you effectively take out the risk of consuming gut irritating ingredients.

Avoid High Amounts of Plant Foods

Despite popular belief, plant foods are not what they are all cracked up to be.  In fact, plant foods are full of gut irritating anti-nutrients that can significantly make intestinal inflammation much worse.  As a result, you will want to severely limit you intake of plant foods when trying to properly heal the gut.

Salt Your Food

It’s well known that low salt diets can cause poor digestion.  In fact, salt contains an important mineral called chloride which is needed in order for the formation of stomach acid.  However, it’s imperative that you always use a high quality sea salt such as Celtic or Pink Himalayan.  Table salt is extremely toxic and should not be consumed by anyone.