Bloating due to IBS? What you Need to Know | Best Gut Health

We’ve all experienced uncomfortable and embarrassing bloating from time to time.  However, there are millions of individuals who suffer from intense chronic bloating on a daily basis.  These people are left hopeless as their body seems to purposely distend itself after each and every meal.

Not only can this be extremely embarrassing, but this can completely destroy an individual’s overall self-confidence.  However, those who suffer from chronic bloating should know that there are possible solutions to this problem.  In fact, those suffering from chronic bloating are highly likely to also suffer from digestive disorders such as IBS. 

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is typically described by the medical community as a spastic bowel.  However, symptoms such as bloating, belching, and gas are extremely common in those suffering with IBS.  If this sounds like you, there is  good chance that your bloating is due to both intestinal inflammation and possible bacterial, yeast, and fungal overgrowth’s.

How IBS causes Bloating

For those unaware, IBS typically occurs when the intestines become extremely inflamed.  This intestinal inflammation can lead to all sorts of health problems and can lead to conditions such as chronic bloating.  As a result, whenever the intestines become irritated by problematic foods, the stomach will naturally swell due to the high amounts of inflammation in the gut.

Also, those suffering from IBS typically suffer from fungal overgrowth’s such as candida in gut (1).  Candida will actually burrow itself into the gut lining creating immense amounts of intestinal inflammation.  This also can lead to chronic bloating in individuals.

Also, it should be mentioned that candida operates on a sugar/alcohol metabolism.  This means candida will take sugars from the body, ferment them, and produce both alcohol and toxic byproducts.  Unfortunately,  this naturally leads to fermentation in the stomach which is a big reason why many with IBS suffer from intense bloating.  In fact, many IBS suffers will most likely find that their chronic bloating is worse after eating either a high carbohydrate or high sugar meal.

Chronic Bloating and High Carbohydrate Diets

Individuals who follow a diet that is high in both sugar and starchy carbohydrates will be more prone to developing chronic bloating in the body.  As mentioned before, both sugar and even starchy carbohydrates can feed candida in the gut.  As a result, this can lead to fermentation in the gut which can lead to stomach bloating.

Also, those with IBS typically do extremely poor on diets high in carbohydrates.  This is because high carbohydrate foods can naturally irritate the gut wall and lead to intestinal inflammation if consumed in excess.  In fact, one study found that patients with IBS who were put on a law carbohydrate diet which contained adequate amounts of protein showed vast improvements in their condition (2)

Furthermore, those with IBS often have an extremely “leaky”, or permeable gut.  Eating high carbohydrate and sugar rich foods can make this condition worse.  This is because these foods do not provide the body with any of the necessary vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that are needed to repair and seal the gut lining.  As a result, it’s not uncommon for chronic bloating to occur in those with an extremely permeable gut and a damaged mucosal lining.

IBS, Stomach Acid, and Bloating

Yet another problem that those with IBS often face is inadequate production of stomach acid.  Despite popular belief, having high amounts of stomach acid in the body is extremely beneficial for optimal health.  Forgot what you heard about digestive disorders being caused by too much stomach acid.  In fact, those with acid reflux are most definitely suffering from too little stomach acid and an over alkalized stomach.

In fact, when the stomach becomes to alkaline, serious digestive problems such as IBS and bloating can occur.  This is because stomach acid not only helps us break down our food, but it also helps to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria, yeast, and fungi in the gut.  Again, pathogenic fungi such as candida can cause fermentation in the gut which can lead to stomach bloating.

It should be mentioned that those with a higher alkalinity in the stomach will most often suffer from more digestive issues.  Interestingly, the stomach should be between a PH of 1.5 and 2.0 in order for optimal health. 

With that said, an individual will suffer from low stomach acid levels mainly due to three reasons:

  • Poor Diet
  • Overuse of Antibiotics
  • Fungal Overgrowth’s

How to Stop Chronic Bloating

The only way to stop chronic bloating in the body is to follow a correct gut healing and IBS friendly diet.  For more information on this type of diet, be sure to go to our Diet Protocol Page for more details.

Also, various foods must be avoided which can contribute to both intestinal inflammation and pathogenic overgrowth’s.  Although we covered these foods extensively already on our Homepage, we created a small list below of foods that should be avoided by anyone with IBS and bloating.

  • Sugar
  • Sugary Modern Fruit
  • Vegetable Oils (canola, grape seed, soy, corn, etc..)
  • Starchy Carbohydrates
  • All Wheat Products
  • Processed Foods
  • All Forms of Alcohol

Just by avoiding these foods alone, individuals almost always see dramatic improvements in their stomach bloating.  However, for best possible results, be sure to follow the diet outlined on our Diet Protocol Page.

The Problem with Plant Foods

It’s hard not to be overwhelmed by trendy health movements such as veganism and vegetarianism.  These diets believe that optimal health is achieved through getting all or most of your nourishment from plants.  Although this sounds good in theory, it can be catastrophic for those with IBS.

This is because all plant foods naturally contain anti-nutrients which can cause serious intestinal damage to gut.  It’s important to understand that plants cannot defend themselves like animals.  As a result, plants use a form of chemical warfare in order to protect themselves from both predators and humans.

Consequently, when an individual eats large amounts of plant foods, they are typically punished on the digestive level with nutrient inhibitors such as lectins, saponins, tannins, oxalates, phytates, and gluten.  This is the plants way of protecting future generations and to stop predators and humans alike from eating them.

Now, since humans have intelligence, we have discovered that cooking can significantly reduce the anti-nutrient content found in plants.  This in return makes plants more digestible.  However, for most, high amounts of plants foods, even if cooked, can cause intense intestinal inflammation.  In fact, the quickest way to develop a digestive disorders such as IBS and chronic bloating is too eat a diet of only fruits and vegetables.

Focus on High Quality Animal Foods

If you suffer from both IBS and chronic bloating, you need to begin to focus on eating high quality animal foods.  Animal foods contain ZERO anti-nutrients and will not inflame the gut.  They also contain all the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids necessary to initiate intestinal repair.

It should also be mentioned that animal foods require a strong stomach acid in order to properly break down.  This need for stomach acid can naturally lower the PH of stomach which can result in positive health changes.  In our experience, due to its natural gut soothing proprieties, consuming bone broth with every meal can be extremely beneficial for those with IBS and chronic bloating.

Try out Intestinal Health Cook Book

For those looking for delicious and tasty meals that can help both chronic bloating and IBS, we highly recommend you give our Intestinal Health Cookbook a try.  We’ve put together over 20 different gut friendly meals that will leave your body satisfied.  Are main goal of creating this cookbook was to get people to stick to eating healthy and gut friendly meals.

Furthermore, it’s extremely important that if you suffer from IBS and chronic bloating that you prepare your meals at home.  We’ve gone over this before, but preparing your own meals can be a game changer when it comes to your ability to heal.  If you’re constantly eating out, your risk of consuming gut irritating foods goes up significantly.

Don’t be Afraid to Salt your Food

One last thing those with IBS and bloating can do is to be sure that they salt their food.  Salt is a natural anti-microbial and anti-fungal which can help prevent the growth of pathogenic species in the gut such as candida.  Also, salt contains a mineral called Chloride which is needed in the formation of stomach acid.

It’s for this reason that many experience poor digestion after consuming a low salt diet.  It should be mentioned that sodium is required for life; trying to restrict it is never a good practice.

With all that said, it’s important that you use only high quality sea salts such as Celtic.  Table salt is toxic and should be avoided at all costs!