IBS and Chronic Fatigue | is Poor Digestive Health to Blame for Your Fatigue?

Millions of Americans each year suffer from crippling chronic fatigue which can have an extremely negative impact on quality of life.  Unfortunately, these same people are told by “health experts” that there is no possible cure for their crippling condition.

Yet, these same individuals who suffer from crippling fatigue often times also suffer from poor digestive health.  In fact, it’s not uncommon for those with digestive disorders such as IBS to also suffer from chronic fatigue in the body.  This is because many of the chemical and enzymatic reactions that are needed for a healthy body occur in the gut.

As a result, when gut health suffers, overall health of the body will also suffer.  Chronic fatigue is just one of the many symptoms associated with IBS.  However, there can be numerous different negative symptoms that can occur in the body as a result of poor digestive health.

What is IBS?

IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome, occurs when the colon becomes spastic due to intestinal inflammation.  In fact, we’ve covered both IBS and IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) extensively already, so if you haven’t done so already, be sure to head over to our Homepage.

With that said, IBS can be summed up quickly; it’s a direct result of intestinal inflammation, as well as possible pathogenic overgrowth’s such as candida.  If you suffer from IBS, you will notice that certain foods can make the condition worse.  This is mainly due to eating too many foods that are highly inflammatory towards the digestive tract, or eating too many foods that speed up the growth of pathogenic bacteria, yeast, and fungus.

If you’re unsure if you suffer from IBS, below is a small list of symptoms that are often associated with this digestive condition.

  • Brain fog
  • Bloating
  • Chronic Diarrhea and/or Constipation
  • Newly Formed Food Allergies
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Acid Reflux
  • Poor Appetite

How IBS can Cause Chronic Fatigue

If you suffer from crippling chronic fatigue, you may be wondering how poor digestive health can influence our energy levels.  It’s important to understand that all health starts in the gut.  When the gut is well-balanced, diverse, not leaky, and not inflamed, optimal health will result.  However, the opposite is true when the gut is in a state of dysbiosis and suffering from conditions such as IBS.

When an individual is suffering from IBS, he/she will be unable to properly absorb and assimilate the nutrients found in there food.  When this occurs, the body is unable to obtain the necessary elements needed for healthy energy production in the body.  As a result, the body naturally drops its energy levels and chronic fatigue results.

Furthermore, fungal overgrowth’s such as candida are extremely common in individuals with IBS and plays a significant role in the development of health conditions such as chronic fatigue.  This is because candida, when overgrown, releases over 70 different toxic byproducts into the body.  Fatigue is often a symptom of the body’s inability to properly detoxify itself of these toxic substances.  If left unaddressed, conditions such as chronic fatigue will begin to manifest in the body.

Correct the Gut and Restore Energy Levels

The only true way to restore energy in those suffering from chronic fatigue due to IBS is to correct the gut microbiome.  This means reducing inflammation in the intestines and inhibiting the growth of possible pathogenic species in the gut.  In our opinion, the best way to do this is to follow our diet protocol which is outlined on our Diet Protocol Page.

Also, avoiding all inflammatory foods is essential for anyone dealing with both chronic fatigue and IBS.  Typically, this means avoiding all foods that contain high amounts of anti-nutrients in form of lectins, phytates, oxalates, and tannins.

Many will be surprised to know that many so called “healthy foods” are extremely rich in these gut irritating anti-nutrients.  Unfortunately, those who skip out on high quality animal foods and consume high amounts of plant foods will be consuming extremely high amounts of anti-nutrients.  In fact, it’s not uncommon for many vegans and vegetarians to develop unexplainable digestive conditions after being on the diet for a long period of time.

The only foods that can properly heal the intestines, reduce inflammation, and reduce the growth of pathogenic fungus such as candida are high quality animal foods.  Animal foods contain no anti-nutrients and will not irritate the gut.  They also contain all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and amino acids necessary to initiate repair and healing in the digestive tract. 

Interestingly, studies have shown that patients with IBS who follow a low carbohydrate style of eating and receive adequate amounts protein show significant improvements in their digestive conditions (1).

For best results, we highly recommend you consume bone broths, organ meats, and gelatinous cuts of meats.  These three foods are extremely soothing towards the digestive tract and can be great for those suffering with IBS.

Low Stomach Acid and Chronic Fatigue

Those suffering with IBS often unknowingly also suffer from low stomach acid.  It’s important to understand that the PH of the stomach should be between 1.5 and 2.0.  This PH range produces optimal health and is the preferred PH of the stomach.  However, when the stomach becomes to alkaline, serious health problems can develop.

For example, many pathogenic bacteria, yeast, and fungi prefer an alkaline environment.  In fact, one of the jobs of stomach acid is to kill off any pathogens that may be present in the digestive tract.  Unfortunately, those with digestive disorders such as IBS often do not produce enough stomach acid.

As well as inhibiting the growth of pathogenic species, stomach acid also helps the individual extract and assimilate the nutrients found in their food.  When the stomach is too alkaline, the individual will be unable to properly extract the necessary elements from the food which is required for healthy energy production.  Luckily, following our diet protocol which is outlined on our Diet Protocol Page can help rebuild stomach acid levels naturally.

Also, it should mentioned, that animal protein forces the stomach to produce a strong stomach acid in order to breakdown.  When little to no animal foods are consumed in the diet, the alkalinity of the stomach will naturally rise.  It’s for this reason that high quality animal foods should be a staple in anyone’s diet who is suffering from digestive disorders such as IBS.

Lastly, consuming bone broth with every meal is a great way to attract digestive juices and can naturally help in the production of stomach acid.

Start Cooking Gut Friendly Meals

Those with IBS and chronic fatigue need to make it appoint that they cook all their own meals.  By cooking all your own meals, the risk of consuming food items that will inflame the intestines and make fatigue worse lessens significantly.  This means taking the time out to prepare all your own meals at home.

Knowing the struggle that comes with creating healthy recipes that are gut friendly, we went ahead and created our Intestinal Health Cookbook.  The sole purpose of this cookbook was to give those suffering with IBS and digestive disorders delicious and healthy recipes that are extremely gut friendly.  Our cookbook can be a real game changer for those worried about sticking to a proper IBS diet.

Luckily, with over 20 different recipes, you don’t have to worry about not being satiated and left hungry; the recipes in our cookbook are extremely nutritious and gut friendly!

Salt your Food

If your following a low salt diet and are suffering from IBS and chronic fatigue, we highly recommend you rethink your decision to do so.  We will be the first to admit; table salt is toxic and poisonous to the body.  However, this is not the case for unprocessed natural sea salts such as Celtic sea salt.

Real sea salt contain 84 minerals which can help in numerous biological functions in the body.  These minerals also are potent electrolytes and can naturally improve energy levels in the body.  It’s not uncommon for individuals who follow a low salt diet to experience a sudden d

ecrease in their energy levels.  This is because sodium plays an extremely important role in the health of our adrenal glands which are responsible for regulating energy levels in the body.

Also, sea salt is naturally an anti-microbial and anti-fungal.  In fact, before refrigeration, salt was the best way to preserve foods.  With that said, consuming adequate amounts of sea salt daily will naturally sterilize the gut and can help prevent the growth of pathogenic species.  This can inevitably lead to a healthier and more balanced gut microbiome!